Welcome to my Cool Ass Mom World

Welcome to my Cool Ass Mom World

Cool Ass Mom"N is all about cutting out the critics & trusting your gut. When it comes to Mom'N who cares about your Mom's advice on how they dealt w/ your tantrums as a child, or your "childless" friends or family members suggestion on ways to discipline your child. Cool Ass Moms is all about promoting a whole movement of what I like to call, "Millenium Mom'N".  It has nothing to do with what people think nor material things, & everything to do with cutting out the mom guilt & doing whats best for ourselves & our children at all times. If moms not happy, then child is not happy, and that's a fact.

These days "Millenium Moms", can do it all, work (especially w/ entrepreneurship on the rise), be full time moms & wives and still prevail to having a "life too". YES, i said a LIFE TOO!!!! (lol) Honestly F**k the mom shamer's who feel so deeply disturbed by BS like moms being too sexy, co sleeping, homeschool, no spankings & the list goes on. Do whatever you feel comfortable with when it comes to you & your child. DO YOU BOO!!!

And last but not least, don't forget your still that BOMB A$$ woman you were before you became some little persons snack B**ch! (lbvs) Get up, Get out & don't be afraid to find that mini skirt you wore pre-baby & be that woman again. We need to own this Super Power we have. Cool Ass Moms is a whole vibe of mom (& women) empowerment of keeping it real & less fake.

